Vertigo and balance clinic

Besides allowing us to hear, ears play a vital role in maintaining our balance. Some signs may indicate a problematic of our centres of equilibrium:

  • Feeling an imbalance when walking
  • Feeling a sensation of movement (rotanional or linear) while you are motionless
  • Being dizzy and/or nauseous as a result of a movement or more precisely of the head
  • Feeling discomfort/instability/dizziness when moving through store aisles or in the presence of visual stimulation
  • Avoid moving in fear of falling
  • Inability or difficulty to move in a dark room
  • Etc.

The audiologists at our clinic are trained to assess balance disorders and undertake vestibular rehabilitation when recommended.

Evaluation services

The evaluation allows to:

  • Better establish the origin of the problem of equilibrium or vertigo
  • Determine if a vestibular rehabilitation plan is the right solution

Assessment includes :

  • Vidéonystagmograhy (VNG), one of the most used exams for assessing balance and vertigo problems.
  • An oculomotor assessment (visual tests) which is essential to search for a possible central lesion of the oculomotor system and/or the vestibulo-ocular reflex.
  • Evaluation of oscillopsia, integration of postural stability and subjective visual vertical perception.
  • Evaluation of benign positional paroxysmal vertigo (BPPV) is supplemented by positional testing in a safe manner for the client.
  • All this information is collected non-invasively. The audiologist then writes a complete report that is given to the patient and referring physician.

Rehabilitation services

Ideally, vestibular rehabilitation can eliminate symptoms or simply reduce the effect of significant discomfort, stress and axiety that accompany them.

Here are the proposed plans for vestibular rehabilitation. Your degree of handicap can’t be determined in advance as each person lives with their difficulties differently and evolved at different speeds. It is highly recommended to start with the initial vestibular rehabilitation plan and then, together, we determine what is best for you.

Repositional Maneuver
for BPPV
  • Up to 5 sessions in clinic are included for approximately 15 minutes each.
  • Rental of Dizzy-Fix also included if necessary.
Initial Vestibular Rehabilitation
Plan (mild handicap)
  • One hour session in the clinic. Remit of the exercise program to be completed afterwards at home with demonstration and practice. A journal is included to measure improvement of symptoms.
  • Clinical follow-up for a 30-minute session as needed 4 weeks later.
Personalized Vestibular Rehabilitation
Plan (moderate handicap)
  • One hour session in the clinic. Remit of the exercise program to be completed afterwards at home with demonstration and practice. A journal is included to measure improvement of symptoms.
  • Follow up over the phone 3 weeks after delivery of initial rehabilitation plan to discuss symptoms improvement.
  • 45 minutes to one hour session in the clinic. Remit of a personalized vestibular rehabilitation plan.
  • Follow up over the phone 3 weeks later to discuss symptoms improvement.
  • 30-minute session in clinic a week later to consolidate learnings.
Long Term Personalized Vestibular
Rehabiliation Plan (severe handicap)
  • One hour session in the clinic. Remit of the exercise program to be completed afterwards at home with demonstration and practice. A journal is included to measure improvement of symptoms.
  • Follow up over the phone 3 weeks after delivery of initial rehabilitation plan to discuss symptoms improvement.
  • 45 minutes to one hour session in the clinic. Remit of a personalized vestibular rehabilitation plan.
  • Follow up over the phone 3 weeks later to discuss symptoms improvement.
  • Adjustement of the personalized plan according to the evolution of the symptoms and the needs of the client.

The number of sessions in clinic is determined accordingly.


The “Dizzy-fix” is available for rent (included when repositional maneuvers are undertaken at the clinic).

This tool is used to guide the Epley maneuver safely at home, thus ensuring that the client is able to perform the maneuver properly.


If you want to make an appointment with one of our professionals,

do not hesitate to communicate with us by phone or via our online form.

I want to meet with an audiologist