Your ears and your brain work tirelessly to offer you the hearing, a vital sense for communication and for all situations of everyday life. Hearing loss is invisible and can go unnoticed. However, it can cause many difficulties in everyday life, such as the understanding of speech in noise, the location of sounds in space, the development of language in children, the detection of ring tones and alarms, musical appreciation, etc.

An auditory assessment by an audiologist accurately determines the state of the auditory system and provides recommendations and appropriate references.

Adult evaluation
(5 years and over)

School age chlidren

Ear infections and ear wax are common causes of temporary hearing loss in school-aged children. These temporary issues can have a serious impact on academic learning and the general behaviour of the child. In the audiometric booth, the child will pass his hearing test by responding to the smallest sounds he is able to hear for several frequencies. The results will be explained directly after the evaluation. A copy of the report is given to the parents on the day of the assessment and another is sent to the referent.

If necessary, evaluation can be done by the technique of reinforcement through play. An evaluation of the auditory processing disorder may also be considered from the age of seven.


Parents of teenagers are often worried, rightly, about the hearing of their teen who spends a lot of time listening to music with his personal system or going out to festivals, bars or clubs. These sources of noise can actually cause permanent and irreversible damage to hearing, whether through hearing loss or tinnitus (ringing, buzzing in the ear). The risk increases with the volume, intensity and duration of listening.

An audiometric assessment can be used to determine if hearing damage is present and then the audiologist discusses ways to prevent a hearing impairment when needed.

Adults and seniors

Most of the time, the hearing loss is progressive. It can appear simply by the effect of age or as a result of prolonged exposure in a workplace. Have a tendency to speak louder than necessary, to ask frequently to repeat, to have to make a mental effort to understand, to often have the impression that people mumble, to turn up the volume of the television or to have difficulty listening on the telephone are some indications of probable hearing impairment.


Having your hearing evaluated allows you to know if there is an impairment of the auditory system and of what magnitude. The audiologist can guide you through appropriate interventions and recommendations tailored to your needs. For example, the audiologist can make an initial analysis of your eligibility for the program of the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ) or refer you to other professionals such as the ENT doctor or the hearing aid professional.


For workers in a noisy environment (current or retired), it is interesting to have their audition tested so that the audiologist assesses whether it is appropriate to apply for eligibility to the Standards Commission’s program. , health and safety at work (CNESST).


If you want to make an appointment with one of our professionals, do not hesitate
to communicate with us by phone or via our online form.

I wish to meet with an audiologist